Cloud Native Virtual Summit featuring Kubernetes

1 April, 2020

Container Solutions was proud to co-host the Cloud Native Virtual Summit featuring Kubernetes, together with D2iQ, that was live on 1 April!

Speakers included Container Solutions' Anne Currie, Pini Reznik and Adrian Mouat, alongside keynote sessions by Liz Rice and Katie Gamanji. To close the line-up we had a fireside chat with the one and only Kelsey Hightower.

You can watch all the talks on demand here. 

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If you missed our speakers

  • Tech Ethics in Dark Times: Anne Currie, a technologist with more than 20 years’ experience, has discussed how changes in the world are impacting ethical decision making in tech. You can watch the talk here.
  • How to beat an existential crisis by becoming Cloud Native: Pini Reznik , chief revenue officer and co-founder of  Container Solutions, has provided an overview of the Cloud Native patterns and more that can help build an effective strategy for dealing with crises. You can watch the talk here.
  • A Local Registry for Kubernetes Clusters: Adrian Mouat,  Container Solutions' chief scientist, has given an overview of registries and tell why having a registry like Trow, an open-source registry that is designed to run inside your Kubernetes cluster, is important. You can watch the talk here.

Who were these talks for?

  • DevOps and Site Reliability Engineers
  • Infrastructure Architects
  • IT Managers, Application Architects, DevOps Leaders/Operators


Our speakers will include:

PiniPini Reznik, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Container Solutions. Starting as a developer more than 20 years ago and moving through technical, managerial, and consulting positions in configuration management and operations areas, Pini acquired deep understanding of software delivery processes. His company helps organisations in Europe and North America improve their value to customers by modernising their software delivery pipeline. He is co-author of the new O’Reilly book, Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation.

Anne Currie, tech ethicist at Container Solutions, is a technologist, engineer, and author. She is an international speaker and author on matters of technology and ethics, and also author of the Panopticon sci-fi series.

Adrian Mouat, chief scientist at Container Solutions, has been involved with containers from the early days of Docker. He is the author of the O'Reilly book Using Docker.


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